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Cataract surgery is the most common surgery in Medicare...

Most of us will eventually get cataracts... If we live long enough...

It can be avoidable, though: My maternal grandmother had no cataracts when I examined her eyes at age 98...

Do you want to know how many ways you can reduce your cataract risk?

Cataract surgery is most often successful... And much less invasive than it was in the past...

So why should you want to prevent or reverse cataracts?

Well, cataracts are a loss of clarity and health of the eye's lens tissue...Which happens to be one of our most sensitive indicators of your overall health and prospects for longevity...

It turns out that the average survival time after cataract surgery is only 5 years... So if you can keep your own natural crystalline lenses clear and healthy longer through natural means... That means you are also improving your total wellbeing and even extending your lifespan!​

We welcome you to Cataract Lab, where our mission is to help you improve your vision by promoting your total health, enhancing your quality of life, and extending your longevity...

Even though we publish the best-selling book worldwide on natural solutions for prevention and reversal of cataract via Accelerated Self-Healing... We know that a book is not enough.

The Cataract Solutions book is a great start... (You can get your copy here)

It is an introduction to some of the most important players in natural medicine for healing the underlying causes of cataract...

It is a great resource for health practitioners and for educated caregivers and other health enthusiasts... But, ultimately, the book cannot answer your most important question: "Which of these, or of the thousands of other potential remedies is energetically correct for me right now?"

That is the question Cataract Lab is here to answer...

We invite you to initiate your healing journey by joining our free online interactive community...

Talk soon...

Why do we see improvement in most early cataract formation but not in later stages with Accelerated Self Healing™? 

In the early stages of cataract, the cells in the lens are still alive, but the lens is not able to keep up with maintaining the clarity of the tissue, which includes pumping water out of the lens and repairing cellular damage from oxidation and glycation due to stresses like poor circulation, heavy metals, and exposure to excess sugars. Once a cell in the lens actually dies, there is no way to regenerate it because lens cells are like red blood cells in that they have no nucleus. That is the best explanation for why we see a more consistent reversal of early cataracts than with more advanced cataracts with the best PEMF therapies, i.e., the BEMER and the even more advanced Kloud, together with well-selected Functional Formulations™.

- Dr. Glen Swartwout

Who is Cataract Lab for?

  • People who want to extend their longevity and keep their natural vision, knowing that the clarity of the eye's crystalline lens is one of the most strongly associated with longevity...

  • Patients and caregivers who want to do everything they can to support the health of the eye and body, so invasive treatments like drugs and surgeries can be minimized, delayed or avoided altogether...

  • Health coaches who work with aging populations, knowing that cataract surgery is the most common procedure in Medicare...

  • Integrative eye doctors who work with patients who want to be active participants in their preventive, maintenance, and rehabilitative care...

  • Consultants, health educators, scientists and researchers interested in eyes, vision, and reverse aging.

Who is Cataract Lab Not For?

  • People who are happy with the cataract prevention and treatment options they already have access to, and don't want to learn more about Accelerated Self Healing™...

  • Patients who want to limit their options to the conventionally  accepted drugs and surgery.

  • Doctors who prefer to stick to the standard of care, and wait for others to make advancements in Clinical Theory™ and Clinical Praxis™.

Meet Your Team

Our Visionary:

Dr. Glen Swartwout

• R&D and Practitioner Training

Dr. Glen has overcome the odds in saving his own vision and restoring his own health by learning, applying and integrating the best wisdom of Eastern and Western healing traditions along with advanced modern day healing technologies.
When Dr. Glen met Rae at a Health Fair gathering, he immediately recognized her from his future.
His mission now is to share what has helped him and thousands of patients and clients over the last 40+ years to rapidly reverse the effects of aging and degeneration as well as other health challenges... 

Your Coach:

Susan 'Rae' Luscombe

• Coaching & Coach Training

Rae is a holistic health practitioner and coach.
She was teaching life-changing transformational workshops when she met Dr. Glen over 25 years ago.
The day before they met, she had a profound experience in which an image of the divine miraculously came to life.
When she saw Dr. Glen, she instantly recognized in him the same eyes.
Ever since then, they have integrated their unique perspectives on healing the body and developing the healing capabilities of the mind and spirit...

"Mr. DeCosta has had dramatic improvement in his vision despite having had wet macular degeneration... He gave me a copy of the report that you had written on this topic, and I appreciate all of the work that you did..."

Bruce Ballon, M.D.
, Harvard-trained Retinologist

Click here for Dr. Glen's book Cataract Solutions and related resources for Cataract prevention and reversal. Cataract Solutions is also available as an audiobook.

Dr. Todd Wylie

"I'm really seeing some encouraging results with actual healing of tissue... Seeing documented recovery of some visual fields and also seeing assistance with lens clarity improving nicely and overall just general health improvement. And so, it's been a great, great addition to my practice..."

"Dr. Glen has a number of supplements for helping reverse cataracts. We have consistently seen them helpful in approximately 50% of patients who try them."

Dr. Todd Wylie, Doctor of Optometry

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.